Friday, June 15, 2007

Black glutinous rice pudding with young coconut flesh (Khao niaw dam piak maphrao awn)

Ingredients :
21/2 cups black glutinous rice
1 cup coconut cream
2 cups sugar
5 cups young coconut juice
3 cups young coconut flesh, cut into slices
1/2 teaspoon salt
Method :
1. Cook the black glutinous rice in coconut juice until done and splitted.
2. Add sugar and continue cooking until sugar has dissolved.
3. Add the young coconut flesh and stir well.
4. Mix the coconut cream and salt together, and stir regularly over low heat until dissolved.
Secret tips :
- Wash the black glutinous rice twice, pour into a pot and add the coconut juice. Place over medium heat and boil until the rice is cooked through, and splitted.
- Add sugar, continue boiling until the sugar dissolves. Add coconut flesh, stirring well. Bring to the boil once again, the turn off the heat.
- Mix the coconut cream and salt together, place over low heat. Stir regularly to prevent the coconut cream from separating. When the salt has dissolved and the coconut cream is heated through, remove from the heat. Spoon the sweet glutinous rice into a serving bowl and top with some salted coconut cream.
Tip : The black glutinous rice can be substituted by the white one.